The Attack Wiki

"You don't bring your own hat to the rodeo if you're gonna shit your pants."

The Attack episode 93 aired on 16 October 2015. It was hosted by Alex Corea and Anthony Carboni.

Alex used some of Anthony's hair gel. Badly.

The show was sponsored by Draft Kings.

Alex and Anthony discussed the possibility of people accidentally seeing porn on your phone or laptop and Anthony's lack of desire to ski.

Alex used futuristic technology to make Anthony say things.

The Rundown[]

Blythe presented.


  • Battleborne closed beta coming out
  • Steam controller coming out
  • New Fallout 4 trailer
  • Pokemon Go getting a $20 million investment

In Depth[]

  • EA will never make HD remakes
  • Battlefront not supporting private matches at launch
  • Valve will never allow ads on Steam

TPOTSWIC ensued. The plan was to stream the first mission of Halo 5, but it didn't install and they couldn't. Anthony tried to break the embargo. They streambombed Chrisify.
