The Attack Wiki

"'Wanna hold the baby?' 'No! I don't! Take your terrible baby back! Bring it back when it's a person!'" - Milynn

The Attack episode 67 aired on 10 Aug 2015. It was hosted by Alex Corea and Milynn Sarley. The show first used the "smoke weed every day" sound for subscribers on this episode.

Milynn discussed her hatred of babies.


Alex rollerbladed down the street in a diaper and powered by a leafblower, yelling "" at people. Alex was supposed to get pudding blasted onto his face from a tube, but Blythe's lungs were not strong enough to make it happen. Then the stream went down for 15 minutes.

Liz presented the Rundown and discussed:

  • Overwatch announed the Lucio character
  • Spotify putting some services behind a paywall
  • Best Buy bundling a TV with XBox One packages
  • A YouTuber used a glitch to play the entirety of Fallout 3 as a baby

During the Rundown, Milynn and Liz decided they would give Alex a wedgie as a $250 donation incentive. It was of course met.

The show ended with TPOTSWIC and a double wedgie, and they streambombed GlydeTV.
