The Attack Wiki

"FINE! He's a dickbender..... how do I get to be one of those?"

The Attack episode 84 aired on 23 September 2015. It was hosted by Alex Corea and Tatiana Carrier.


Alex showed off hoodie design submissions from fans. Alex was confused about Tatiana's bio because of wrong wikipedia articles he "found."

Classic commercials with a shot of a crotch grab added were shown.

Alex showed off his crotchbending powers.

Blythe reviewed Halloween Horror Nights in Hollywood. Then she presented The Rundown and discussed:

  • the copyright on 'Happy Birthday' was struck down (the staff sang the "Attack Happy Birthday" song)
  • Sony released a VR commercial
  • Voice Actors may be going on strike
  • Elysium Space will send some of your ashes to the moon when you die

The show ended with TPOTSWIC.
