The Attack Wiki

Alex: "I wanna get you a stripper for your birthday!"

Eddie: "Is it Evanne? Isn't that her side job?"

The Attack episode 127 aired on 5 February 2016. It was hosted by Alex Corea and Evanne Friedmann.

It was Eddie's birthday, and Alex teased that he wanted to buy Eddie a stripper! The donation incentive was set! Eddie was less than pleased with the arrangement, but money flew in.


After a Pile video that showed a kid falling through a roof while trying to do parkour, Alex had a panel of judges score his performance. He got mostly zeroes, but the construction worker judge (Corrado) gave him a 10. Then he clarified his sign to "Is he under 10?" and gave Eddie a creepy lapdance until he pulled out his ID.

Eddie slapped Alex.

Liz and Blythe were utterly unimpressed by Alex's puns, and he asked them to "please clap" like Jeb Bush.

Alex made a makeup robot in the style of Simone Giertz that was totally not Corrado holding a clamp. The robot smeared lipstick all over Eddie's face. Then Eddie put Alex in a headlock and smeared him with lipstick.


In The Rundown, Alex and Evanne discussed:

  • The new Doom trailer said it comes out May 13
  • Overwatch closed beta comes back Feb 9
  • Time Warner Cable trying to acquire 25% of Hulu so they can remove next-day content

TPOTSWIC followed, and Eddie was blindfolded. His stripper arrived... his male stripper! Eddie protested so much that they let him off the hook, and then Yaniv and Eddie forced Alex to receive the lap dance instead!
