The Attack Wiki

"Chicken rules everything around me!"

The Attack episode 56 aired on 13 Jul 2015. It was hosted by Kevin Pereira and Alex Corea.

Kevin discussed all the crazy things his father did for Attack of the Show.

Near the 35-minute mark, Evanne Friedmann made a donation to the show, and Kevin made reference to her coming in to the studio soon.


Glue Fan

"Jason Seagull" met an untimely end after flying around with a GoPro in his mouth.

Chizza (Yaniv Fituci) the old-school rapper stopped by the studio.

The show's "Hero of Internet" was Youtuber "Glue Fan," who makes seriously messed up glue reviews.

The Rundown discussed:

  • Alex's first Comic-Con
  • Jared from Subway being raided by the FBI
  • Batman vs. Superman

Evanne subbed during the Rundown, and Kevin said that his secret goal was for her and Alex to get married.

The show ended with TPOTSWIC, and Kevin eulogized Satoru Iwata.
