The Attack Wiki

Megan: "I would be suffocated within her breasts!"

Alex: "Can you say that slower and into the camera, please?"

The Attack episode 183 aired on 12 August 2016. It was hosted by Alex Corea and Megan Lee Joy.


Coral was on set to read Discord comments.

KevCap cut a Pile video together with some gymnastics footage to spice it up a bit.

Alex solicited first kiss advice from Megan.

Alex learned that one of the seven dwarves' names was Dopey, not Gropey, and had a revelation about his uncle.

Since Pokemon Go had changed its tracking system to something that could lure kids to public places, Alex built a "safe spot Pokestop." Megan thought it looked like a glory hole, especially when a Diglet came out of it. She ripped the Diglet out of the hole and blood shot everywhere.


Green Light District featured:

  • The Godfather Corleone Racers
  • Rock & Misor (from Steam Concepts)
  • Steer Madness
  • Haydee

Nice Assets featured a video edit by Jason_Woot.

The show closed out with TPOTSWIC.
